SEE Certificated to ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO 9001 Standards
It’s official! After all our hard work we’ve been awarded the prestigious ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environmental and ISO 45001 Health & Safety accreditations.
ISO is the world’s most recognised Quality Management System (QMS) and helps businesses like ourselves demonstrate our quality, safety and efficiency in the services that we provide.
To become ISO compliant, we underwent a long and extensive evaluation process that included an in-depth assessment of our quality management systems, a management system documentation review, and an audit of our processes and compliance, which was successful with no non-conformances identified.
SEE’s Managing Director, John Nicholls, said:
“I am extremely proud of my team for their achievement, which proves theirs and the company’s commitment to ensuring quality and providing the best possible service to our customers.
Our decision to work towards ISO accreditation demonstrates our promise to providing high-quality, trusted services to our clients, and our ongoing commitment to developing our management systems.”

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